Does this sound familiar?
“Humans buy on emotion, not logic.”
The internet is jammed full of expert advice that says this.
This idea is taught in hundreds of copywriting courses.
Most content gurus say it.
And they’re right.
Emotions do sell.
But most copy and content—maybe even yours—is so bland, dull, and uninteresting it doesn’t sell. Yawn.
If what you write doesn’t tap into the emotions your reader feels, your copy will struggle to get attention, hold your reader’s interest, and sell.
And if your copy doesn’t do that, clients won’t hire you.
And that’s a problem because…
The typical advice about writing emotional copy is wrong.
If you search Google, or ask most copywriting “experts,” how to write emotional copy, they’ll tell you to pepper your writing with trigger words like “angry” or “fear.”
Common “trigger” words supposedly make readers feel emotional.
But that approach doesn’t work.
Let me prove it to you…
You just read the words “angry” and “fear” in the paragraph above.
Do you feel either of those emotions right now? Are you mad? Or scared?
When you read words like worry, embarrassed, or annoy, does that make you feel worried, embarrassed or annoyed?
Of course not.
That’s not how emotional copy works, no matter how many so-called experts tell you to do it.
Forget adding trigger words to your copy. Do this instead…
Before your readers will take action, they need to know you understand them.
That’s exactly what the Emotion Discovery Process helps you do.
It uncovers the painful emotions your readers feel right now, and just as importantly, it reveals the transformative emotions they experience when they get results with your product.
When you know how to do this, your readers will practically jump up off the couch, pull out their credit cards, and rush to buy your products and services.
But get them to do that, you need:
Introducing the How to Write Emotional Copy Masterclass.
Actually, this is much more than a simple masterclass. It includes all the tools and information you need to add emotion to your copy and content so it grips your reader's attention and keeps them reading until they click the buy button.
It starts with a masterclass recording that shows you how to discover and communicate the emotions your readers feel right now.
It’s relatively short and easy to watch.
Then we added a ton of helpful resources so you can easily implement the ideas you’ll learn , including:
This is everything you need to research, write, and persuade as a copywriter. To get instant access to all the masterclass materials, simply complete the form below and submit.
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